Our Values, Mandate and Commitment

Our Values

Professionalism, Excellence, Service, Knowledge, Honesty, Integrity, Commitment.

Our Mandate

Shaping our world, one young mind at a time.

Our Commitment

At the heart of the CVL mission is the elevation of the dignity of the human person, beginning from Nigeria. The sense of a great duty and a big burden to improve the quality of life of young people, in our society, by building good values in them, led to the setting up of a Centre for Values in leadership. The idea is to provide young people tools that will improve their quality of life and drastically transform them, such that they become walking blessings to others. The vehicle for achieving that would be the talents of young men and women who we will train to become leaders by acquiring knowledge and building the character of service in them through initiatives that improve the conditions of others.


Our Values, Mandate and Commitment

The CVL Tripod

Board Members

CVL Faculty

CVL Library

CVL Partners

CVL Calendar

CVL Advantage


CVL Leadership Development Centre

CVL Role Model Forum

CVL Leader Without Title

CVL Annual Lecture Series

CVL Solution Conference Series

CVL CSR Outsourcing

CVL Widows Support Centre

CVL Boot Camps

CVL Leadership Mill